
Magda: Over the last few years, dropshipping knowledge has been popping up all over the internet, blog posts, e-books, YouTube, and even on Instagram. But now some of the best dropshipping secrets and hacks are actually on TikTok. Yes. They are on TikTok, woohoo.
Today, I'm gonna be reacting to some of the best dropshipping secrets and hacks on TikTok. Although they're focused on dropshipping, these hacks can be applied to almost any business out there. If you're not on TikTok yet, you need to be on it. It's almost the middle of 2020 maybe it's past the middle. Goddamn. Okay.
Are you on TikTok? You should be. It's past the middle of 2020 and if you want to be successful in the online space, you need to be on TikTok. Even if you're not using TikTok for your business, it's a great way to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and, hello, ecommerce hacks.
If you're looking for daily knowledge bombs and ecommerce hacks, make sure to follow Oberlo on TikTok. Make sure to stick around to the end for one of the best dropshipping secrets – an Instagram growth hack that you've definitely never heard of before.
Rounding up Dropshipping Secrets on TikTok
Hi everyone! My name is Magda and I work at Oberlo. I've actually been working at Oberlo for around three years. How insane is that? That's almost the amount of time that dropshipping has existed for.
I've come across almost every possible dropshipping hack you could think of. So I promise you when I was gathering these dropshipping secrets on TikTok to react to, I made sure to only pick the best ones and ones that, honestly, surprised me too – even with all my experience. You do not wanna miss these. At Oberlo, we're here to help you with your side hustle and start your business quickly, so let's just jump straight into these dropshipping secrets.
1. Use the AliExpress Dropshipping Center
This TikTok about finding winning products on AliExpress is super simple but super helpful. Yes. AliExpress has a dropshipping center. AliExpress realizes that dropshipping can be extremely beneficial for you but also for the sellers on their platform.
You may not believe it but AliExpress really does want to help you dropship. In the AliExpress Dropshipping Center, you can sort which products are the most popular and see which ones have been ordered the most with dropshippers.
Now, most people would say, 'Hey. Those products are saturated and you should stay away from them.' I'm here to tell you that, that is simply not true. If you've watched any of our interviews with successful six and seven-figure dropshippers in the past, you will know that every time this question comes up, they say, 'Saturation is a myth.'
That's because a product cannot be saturated because you can always find or make new customers.
Instead, sourcing a product from the AliExpress dropshippers' center that has a lot of orders means that it's in demand. It means that when customers see it, they want to buy it. That's amazing and you can absolutely ride that wave and make a lot of profit along the way. This tip is definitely certified profitable.
2. Create a Custom Audience on Facebook
This next dropshipping secret is a Facebook ads hack. Facebook ads can be super confusing for even the most experienced dropshippers so any information is always good information.
TikToker: $226,000 in 45 days. Log in to Facebook ads, hit analytics, select your Pixel, under
“activities,” select “percentiles.” Hit “ad filter”, use this filter, and “create custom audience.”
Magda: Wow. Okay. That is an amazing Facebook ads hack. Pretty much what he’s doing is explaining that within Facebook ads, you can go in and you can create a custom audience. So that means that Facebook is only going to be targeting those people and what you can do is you can set that custom audience to anything.
So for example, you can only target people who have visited your store before or you can only target people who finished up to 95 percent of a video. This is actually a strategy that we've talked about on our channel before with Chris Wane, so make sure to check out that video on our channel.
This dropshipping secret is extremely efficient because you'll make sure that the only people that you're targeting are high-quality traffic, people that are really interested in your store and your product.
Because if they've watched up to 95 percent of a video or initiated a checkout, they're far more likely to complete the purchase.
3. Grow an Instagram Audience First
Wow. That's insane. She made so much money with her dropshipping store but she didn't spend any money on ads. If you're looking to get started with dropshipping online, that might be you. A lot of people who are looking into making money online and getting started with dropshipping actually don't have any budget to start with. So let's check out her strategy.
TikToker: Do not, I repeat, do not spend any more money on traditional advertising and let me tell you why. So dropshippers are all selling almost the same products to the same audience and they're all using the same method. We're all trying to do the same thing.
So you have to think differently if you wanna be successful in this business. So the way that I did it is I focused on growing an Instagram audience before I was putting products out there for people.
Magda: Wow. That's amazing to see. If you've watched videos on our YouTube channel before, you know that normally if someone doesn't have a budget, we suggest growing an organic audience on Instagram or TikTok first.
Now, I'm sure a lot of you think, 'Ah. Yeah. That's never gonna work though because most people run Facebook ads and that's the only way to do it.' This is a clear example that that is simply not true.
Building an organic following first and then advertising to them is an amazing strategy.
Not only does it not cost you any money, but you can also build very genuine connections, which means it's way easier to sell to your customers. If you want to learn more about this strategy, check out this video that we did with Ecom King.
4. Use Hatchful to Create a Free Logo
Okay. I needed to include a TikTok that would be shouting out, “Hatchful.” Hatchful is a free logo maker by Shopify, and this logo maker can make an amazing logo for you in 30 seconds. Now, not only can it make an amazing logo, but once it's finished, it will send you a folder with logos of various shapes and sizes for Instagram, Facebook banners, and Facebook ads.
Honestly, Hatchful is one of the most underrated tools in the game. If you're dedicated to making a custom logo, that's no problem. But if you just wanna get started and get your business going, Hatchful is the way to go.
Once you start making some sales and you have more money in your bank account, you can invest in a custom logo for your business.
But if you just wanna get started, this is the way to do it.
5. Plant Decoy Prices
TikToker: Marketing tricks that I know work because they make me money. Part one. The first is called decoy pricing. So you see here, item A is worth $19.99. But what some companies will do is they'll have an option to buy two of the same item for only $24.99. So if you look at both of these, this one is a much, much better deal.
But if you were to cover this one, some people might not think that this is worth the price. So companies will add this to have people more likely to buy this, where they're still making way more money. This decoy justifies this higher price.
Magda: This marketing hack is amazing and is one of the best dropshipping secrets. If you really wanna boost your sales, this is the way to do it. They call it 'decoy pricing,' but it's also referred to as bundle conversions.
When you just see the price of a product, you don't really have anything to compare it to, and showing the price of another product beside it is extremely helpful. Instead of a customer wondering, 'Should I buy a resistance band or should I just not bother?'
They'll, instead, see one resistance band and then they'll see a bundle offer for two resistance bands. Now, the customer's gonna be thinking, 'Well, should I buy one or should I buy two? Because two is a way better price.'
Right away, you've given them a decision between both your products instead of just your product and leaving the store. It sounds a bit weird, but it's completely true and it's a way that a lot of people scale up their businesses really fast.
Here's the thing, when you offer bundles, you don't have to pay for any extra advertising.
Normally, when you are paying Facebook to send a customer to your site, it's to purchase one product. But now you only have to pay Facebook once for a customer to potentially buy two products. This is how pro dropshippers really scale their stores.
6. Do Not Underestimate the Power of Pinterest
Sorry, I just saw five best dropshipping YouTubers. We should be in there. Better be. This is the Pinterest one. I'm so sorry for whoever's editing this, I wish I could buy you a drink 'cause I'm seriously so sorry. I'm just going crazy.
TikToker: If you're selling products online, whether it be with print on-demand using Etsy or dropshipping or whatever it may be, and you're looking for ways to bring more traffic to your store without having to spend money on ads, I'm gonna show you how you could actually do that using Pinterest.
So you see, Pinterest is great because it's actually a lot like TikTok where users get a feed of curated content based on what they like.
Magda: Wow. That was one of the best dropshipping secrets and hacks. And don't ever underestimate the power of Pinterest. People love Pinterest. When you're dropshipping, everyone always says, “Facebook ads,” or “Instagram influencers.”
But people always miss Pinterest marketing. Pinterest uses algorithms a lot like TikTok. It has a feed and it's constantly feeding content to people. Also, Pinterest will continue to feed that content well after you post it. So once you post it up on Pinterest, you might actually get traffic from that days or weeks down the line.
Pinterest is one of the best passive traffic sources, so don't underestimate its potential.
7. Find Out What Your Community Is Sharing on Instagram
And now, onto our last TikTok. This one blew my mind.
TikToker: I'm sharing the number one Instagram growth tactic nobody is teaching. Everyone knows likes and comments are important. But do you understand the value of a share? A share is the hyper-value content that is going to get you growth.
If you wanna see what kind of content you're creating that your community is sharing, here's how. Insights, content, posts, and then filter by shares and you'll see the kind of content people are sharing. On my page, it's this.
Once you figure out the kind of content that your community is sharing, you need to create it like crazy, over and over, and over again. Deliver, deliver, deliver, and that's gonna be your number one growth tool to help you find the people that believe in what you believe.
Magda: Wow. That is one of the coolest Instagram hacks and dropshipping secrets I've ever heard of. Now, I decided to include it because if you're a dropshipper, there's a good chance that even if you're using Facebook ads and paid advertising, you still have an Instagram account. It's really important to have your brand out there.
So any Instagram hack is usually always super important for dropshippers as well.
I've been in ecommerce for three years, and I have never heard of this before. On Instagram, if you have a business account, which is free and it takes like 10 to 30 seconds to sign up, so I would highly suggest it, you can actually filter all your posts by which one gets you the most followers, which ones have the most likes, comments, and also which ones are shared the most.
Obviously, people only share content that they really like. So if you have a library of content you can actually filter through which ones are being shared the most, meaning which ones your customers are connecting to the most. This is a great way to see which format works the best. Simply look at those posts and continue to replicate them with new styles of content. This is an amazing hack to boost your growth, and I'm definitely gonna try it out.
Did you know that Instagram hack? Because I didn't. Let me know down in the comments below. Also, let me know if you would like me to reveal dropshipping secrets that are focused on Instagram growth hacks or maybe about productivity.
Well, that's it for this reaction to dropshipping secrets on TikTok. If you want more content like this, let me know down in the comments below and what type of TikTok reactions you want. Do you want to see Instagram growth hacks or maybe productivity tips? Let me know, and I'll be sure to read all your messages. Anyways, thanks and happy dropshipping.