
Magda: Hi, everyone. This is Magda from Oberlo. We understand that a lot of you are looking to start a business right now but have a lot of questions figuring out what the best way to get started is, and one of the biggest concerns for beginners is budgets.
To help me explain some of these strategies, we have a very special guest, Kamil from Ecom King. Let's jump into the interview.
Hey, how's it going, Kamil? It's so nice to see you. Thank you for jumping on the call with me today.
Kamil: No worries, it's a pleasure. I'm really excited to be here.
Magda: A lot of the dropshippers that watch us on Oberlo also follow your channel and definitely have found it super helpful, so I was just wondering if you could give us a little bit of an introduction about yourself and some of your accomplishments and, kind of, your ecommerce story.
Testing Different Business Models
Kamil: Yeah, so I started... My name is Kamil Sattar. I'm 21 years old, I've just turned 21, May the 10th. And I started back in 2015 when I quit my day job in retail, and then I decided to also quit my college, and then I decided to start my first online business in the buying and reselling industry.
And then after a year, I made some good money, built some good connections with football players in the UK, celebrities in the UK. And then that industry itself for myself didn't do too well, so then I decided to look for the business models in 2016, in 2017, and I came across dropshipping.
So I got started with dropshipping and actually started my first store using WooCommerce, and then slowly after, I discovered Shopify and realized that was the better platform to use for a beginner. So then I also discovered Oberlo, which was helpful for my first store, and then the first store I generated which made me good money was a phone case, iPhone screen protector.
It was a privacy screen protector and I was able to do my first $25,000 doing that product.
And then forward a year later, I was able to do my first one million in revenue with a business partner. And now, here I am today. And my biggest accomplishments, really, I think, at the moment, was being able to do seven figures in revenue and retain a six-figure profit margin to take home and I've been in a lot of publications at the moment. I've been endorsed by some of the biggest companies in the industry as well, so I've got a lot of accomplishments in the industry.
And considering that I started very young and I'm only 21 now, I've been in the game now for five years, I'm really, really happy with the kind of stuff I've been able to do.
Magda: Really cool to hear. How many times you shifted business models before you found dropshipping or before you found something that works? I think a lot of the time, with beginners, especially beginners that we've worked with, they come up with a challenge and they aren't able to solve it or adapt, and then they just quit rather than trying something new or altering a method and working on it.
Especially when it comes to dropshipping stores, whether it's winning products or setting up a store, a lot of times they quit instead of just adapting. So it's really cool to hear how many times you switched before you found something that really worked for you.
Kamil: Yeah, so I actually did two business models before dropshipping. Like I said, the buying and reselling industry was one of them, where I buy high-end luxury goods and then sell them for a profit.
And then the other industry that I got involved with was network marketing as well. So I actually got involved in something with that, and they just weren't things that I was passionate about. And then when I came across dropshipping, I thought, 'You know what, I'm really passionate about this, I really like the concept of the business model.'
And like you said before, people will try something, not get the result from it, and then shift to a different business model because they think, 'Oh, that doesn't work,' but really, there's no such thing as quick success and you have to keep going, keep going, keep going.
Magda: Yeah, and I think it's nice to hear from your perspective because I feel like being 21, people might think, 'Oh, he just started and he just found success,' whereas they don't realize that it took numerous years of you trying stuff and before you kind of ended up here. They just kind of see your age. Happy belated birthday, by the way. I'll say it.
Kamil: Oh, thank you so much. And I'm so happy that you mentioned that because although I started when I was 15 years old, just almost turned 16, when I was at school, in college, I'm not saying you should do this, but I wasn't very good at school, I wasn't very good at college.
I publicly released my school grades to let people know that I didn't do anything, I've failed everything. At the end of the day, at school and at college, I wasn't doing the work that I was supposed to do, I was actually thinking of ideas to make money online, so it even started before I actually left in 2015. So it was starting in my school years, and I would just be manifesting making money online. So, really, if I think about it, I've been thinking about making money online for at least six, seven years.
Magda: Wow, okay. That's crazy. Yeah, and it takes some time to get into it, and so that's really refreshing to hear. And I think it was super helpful for beginners because I can totally see people already in the comments being like, 'Yeah, he's 21, he's just special, he's got something and just gets dropshipping,' which, I think one thing we always remind people of is that nobody was born understanding dropshipping or nobody was born understanding Facebook ads. It's something that you just have to learn.
Kamil: Yeah, totally. And the other thing I wanna say is, if I can do it, somebody that is dyslexic... I'm dyslexic, so I've been diagnosed with dyslexia, I took some tests... Another thing is, I've failed school completely and I left college.
If somebody like that can come into dropshipping, understand the business model, learn it day in, day out... And the thing that separates me from everybody else is I just don't give up. As soon as I want something, I go and manifest it and I take it.
At the end of the day, there are two options, you can either win or you can quit, you can't lose.
What You Can Do With a <$500 Budget
Magda: And I think that that's a great way to get our video started, especially to set people up to realize that while everyone is different, there's not that much of a difference between you, myself, and the viewers watching, it's just kind of what you do with your time, how you adapt, and how you work with challenges and kind of succeed with them.
So, one of the biggest challenges beginners face, and we see comments about this all the time, is budget. When someone is getting started with dropshipping, usually they find it online, we've seen through the data because it's a great way to get started with a business that doesn't require a lot of initial investments, but there are stories of successful dropshippers starting with a zero-dollar budget, a few hundred dollars, and then lots of people, hundreds of people in our comments always saying, 'You need at least $5,000, don't even get started unless you have $5,000.'
So the numbers are totally crazy and range from zero to a few thousand, so I'm happy to have you here today so that we could discuss a few different strategies for each type of budget, whether it's a few hundred, zero, or some people have a few thousand and are ready to put the pedal to the metal and scale like crazy.
So let's get started maybe with what strategy you would suggest if someone has a few hundred dollars? So let's say less than $500, they probably feel a little hesitant, most people, I'm sure with yourself as well, you kind of set a cap for yourself.
Even if they have more, they're like, 'I'm not spending more than 500 to see if this works because I just don't wanna blow and burn all my money.' So what would you suggest for someone with that budget?
Get on Instagram, Choose a Niche, Work With Influencers
Kamil: I really love this question because the majority of people that are starting dropshipping and have started dropshipping actually start with the budget you just said, just $500. So a few things I wanna say before I get into what to do.
Number one, this is a real business model, so you have to treat this like a business and not a hobby.
If you can't treat this like a real business, you won't make any money. So by me saying that you need to... And if you're on the $500 budget range, you need to invest at least three hours a day every single day for this to even show you any decent results.
Now in terms of what I would do with $500 is, I would start an Instagram page, I would find a niche that I like. Now, some of the niche's at the moment are your beauty niche, that's always one that works really, really well with the kind of route I'm going down in terms of marketing strategies, so I would find something in the beauty niche, I would build an Instagram page and I would find Instagram influencers.
I'd also look at TikTok influences and I would also look at Twitter influencers. I focus on those three influencer marketing platforms and I'll DM influencers.
Number one, arranging a commission structure where I don't pay them upfront, I just send them the product, and then we figure out, 'Look, I will pay you 40 percent of the commission you make from basically sending traffic to my website.”
So instead of you paying them an upfront payment of let's say $50, there's no risk 'cause you're only paying them if they actually get the money through to the actual store. So that's the actual strategy that I'd recommend everybody takes. Go onto Instagram, find some influencers.
You can use a website called Clout HQ, which is completely free. They've got a directory and you can search by niche, by followers, by engagement, and it will give you the list of influencers they recommend and just DM them, just saying, 'Look, I wanna do a collaboration with you, let's do 60-40 percent, I'd take 60, you take 40, and then I'll give you an affiliate link,” and then basically work from there.
Magda: Okay, super cool. So two things that I got out of your answer. So the first thing I noticed is Instagram influencers, but with an affiliate link, which is I think really important, I know when I started dropshipping, I totally just blew so much money sending influencers the products and then money ahead of time, not realizing what their engagement rates were like, not actually looking at if they even had engagement from a real audience.
So I feel like that's a great safeguard to make sure that first of all, you save your wallet and it's a lower risk for you, and second of all, it's super helpful because I feel like they'll be much more inclined to actually promote the product rather than pop it up randomly for one second just because you've already paid them.
If they're making a commission, they're going to take the extra time to actually promote it and include it in multiple stories or whatnot, so I think that's great to hear.
And the second thing that I noticed from your answer is no Facebook ads. So you would suggest that if someone has $500 or less, Facebook ads is not for you right now, until you, let's say, maybe grow your business or I'd love to get your input on that.
Avoid Facebook Ads To Cut Costs
Kamil: Oh yeah, I got some knowledge to give these people today.
So basically, avoid Facebook, Google, till you've got at least $1,000, okay?
Very minimum, because these platforms they're getting very expensive now. Now, the great thing that I love about influencer marketing is you can collect data. So even though you're doing Instagram, TikTok, or Twitter influencer marketing, you can still get the Facebook pixel on your Shopify store, and even if you're getting traffic from those three marketing platforms, you can use that data you receive to do lookalikes on Facebook.
So let's say I've spent $500 on influencer marketing, I've made back $2,000 in profit, that's just a theoretical kind of little breakdown, then let's say I've collected enough data. I've got enough data now to go onto Facebook, create a lookalike audience.
Now, for those that don't understand what lookalike audiences are, it's basically somebody Facebook creates from people that you've driven to your website in the past. That way when you're targeting people on Facebook, it's a lot more accurate and the results are gonna be a lot higher.
So basically, you're skipping the testing phase on Facebook and you're getting straight into warm marketing and targeting. That way the chances of you getting results on Facebook are a lot higher and you're gonna lose less money. So that's the reason why I love going through the influencer marketing strategy because you basically clout the most expensive part of Facebook, which is testing lots of different audiences, interests, and whatnot.
Magda: Awesome, yup, I completely see what you mean. So just to catch our beginners up, in case anyone has not heard of a Facebook pixel before, just to get everyone up to speed, so a Facebook pixel is a small piece of code that you put in your Shopify store.
It's extremely easy to install, takes about 10 minutes, and all it does is collect information about your audience, traffic, people who are coming to your website, people who are bouncing from your website, actually pressing a button, or a CTA, or just leaving.
And when we talk about warming up the pixel, that simply means sending more data to your website with the Facebook pixel on it so that it starts to understand who makes a good audience and a real potential customer and who does not. And that way, if you warm up the pixel, you will not have to spend money warming it up in the future with Facebook ads.
So that's just a quick debrief, but we have lots of other videos on both of our channels about the Facebook pixels, so you can always learn more, but that's just a brief introduction.
How long would you say this strategy would take to get off the ground and running until you have enough to jump into Facebook ads?
Work With Micro-Influencers
Kamil: Yeah, so basically, you wanna be DM-ing at least 50 to 100 influencers every single day because at the end of the day it's called, the numbers of average, the law of numbers; like you're not gonna get a reply off every 50 people you messaged, you might only get three or four. So you have to keep going, keep going...
And when you do this strategy, just face that you are gonna get rejection.
Some people say, 'No, I don't wanna work with you.' That's fine. Don't let that hurt, don't let that put you down. Just keep going, keep going, keep going. Because trust me, there will be somebody out there that will wanna work with you.
Now when you're using this strategy that I'm recommending today, you should be looking for something that we call a micro-influencer, which means somebody that's got a smaller following.
So somebody, let's say, under 100,000 followers on one of those social media sites. Now because they have fewer followers doesn't mean they're not gonna be as good.
On the other hand, typically, they actually are better than bigger followers because their channel is less saturated, they've done fewer promotions, which means the audience is more perceived to actually take on these paid promotions.
So that's what I'm gonna say: Do 50 to 100 a day if you can. If you can't, try and do at least 30 a day because trust me when I say this, you will only get, let's say, between five and 15 replies a day, at best, typically for myself.
Now, when you message these influencers, I'm more than happy to give yourself the DM template that I use for my businesses. And you can leave that in the description because I wanna give your audience as much value as I can. So I'm more than happy to give you guys that template, which worked for me.
Magda: Awesome, thank you so much. That would be super helpful. Thank you so much.
Kamil: No worries.
Magda: And let's make another note everyone. That's 50 to 100 every single day. I used to... I've worked now for a few years with Oberlo. And I can tell you how many people messaged ten influencers and are like, 'This strategy doesn't work. This strategy doesn't work at all.'
So it's really important to note, everyone, that it's going to take some grinding. It's gonna become easier over time once your Instagram page has more social proof, once you have more followers. But at first, it's going to take a lot of grinding. So it's better to know that ahead of time and know what you're getting yourself into before you spend any money. So thank you, that's super helpful.
What You Can When Bootstrapping
Let's move on to our next budget. So this budget, it's one of the most popular and one of the most popular requests we see on our channel, on our Instagram all the time, and that is for someone that has no budget, they have the bare minimum or they're absolutely determined to bootstrap it.
They're willing to pay for their domain and their, let's say, monthly Shopify fee, but they do not want to spend a single penny otherwise. Whether it's by choice, by circumstance, some people just don't believe in the model, and they're like, 'I'm gonna bootstrap it until I realize that this actually has some validity.'
So is there a strategy at all for that? And what would you suggest it to be?
Kamil: Yeah, so this strategy is similar to the other one that I mentioned today. Now, with the other strategy I mentioned today, you might wanna start paying influencers well a bit of money.
But when you start with absolutely no money, you must be doing at least, at least four hours to six hours a day.
Because when you've got no money and you're just using the time to try and make you that money, you're gonna have to spend a lot of time trying to get the momentum going. Now it's gonna be similar, you still wanna stick to the influencer marketing route.
But this time, you also wanna try and build your Instagram page at the same time. So you wanna post on your Instagram at least three times a day, you wanna be trying to comment on other pages, try to get more followers. You really wanna try and grow your Instagram page to build more authority.
And this time, you wanna be messaging two times more than in the last strategy, so you wanna be messaging between 75 and 150 influencers a day and you wanna do that on each platform: Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram, all in the same day. So you're really going out there and blowing up the last method but you're trying to do it more often than not.
Magda: Now with affiliate marketing, it's nice because you don't have to... Other than, let's say, them getting the product, again, you don't have to worry about paying them upfront. So I can see how the strategy is good for someone with absolutely zero budget.
So you would suggest that if someone is getting started with zero budget that they should use all the social channels, not focus on one. Not just Instagram, Twitter, or TikTok, but instead use all three of them.
Kamil: All three and like I said, with this strategy, you need to be putting at least four to six hours in a day. And the reason why, and probably thinking, 'Damn, that's a lot of time,' is because, trust me messaging 100, 250 people a day on each platform can take between two hours on each of them.
So if you divide that by three, you can see the kind of hours you need to be putting in. And Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram are the three ones that tend to get you the best results.
Now a massive tip, Twitter and TikTok are the two most untapped, most profitable influencer marketing methods at this current time. Instagram's not as good as those other two platforms in this current time we're in today.
Building Your Social Media Pages
Magda: If I was just getting started and I had no budget and I was messaging influencers, I think my first concern as a beginner would be that I have no social proof. My Instagram is looking really... I may have tons of posts, but I have like, let's say, I don't know, maybe 30, 50 followers.
What do you think... What amount of followers would you suggest someone works towards that would be good enough social proof? Or is that not important at all?
Kamil: I love this question 'cause a lot of people ask this now. In terms of when you're starting and you're trying to go down this influencer marketing route, and this applies to every social media platform: Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram, so this applies to every single one of them.
Now, does it matter that you've got to following? Me personally, I don't think it does. Now you do need at least 10 followers, I do recommend getting at least ten followers and you can get that from your friends, your family, whatnot.
Do not pay for followers. That is just a massive no-no.
Do not do it, okay? Just don't pay. Now you can get... Like I was saying, getting your friends, getting your family to support you. If not warm your Instagram account up, warm your Twitter account up, warm your TikTok account up.
Do a week of just posting, trying to get viral content, trying to get mentions, trying to get tags, just try and warm it up for a week, if you're worried. Now, I don't think you need 100 followers. I think just ten followers with at least five posts on your platform is more than enough.
Because when you work with an influencer, they're gonna post it on their page, not your page. They might mention you on the page but the likelihood of them clicking on you is very unlikely because normally when you work with an influencer, they'll put the link in their description, or on Instagram, they might put it on the swipe ups. So if they view the story, they'll swipe up.
So that way, they're never gonna see your page because they're going straight to your website, so they don't... It doesn't really ever matter as long as you've got at least five posts on there, decent content, you need content, then you're good to go with these ten followers.
Magda: Awesome. Now, one thing that I think a lot of beginners have been kinda worried about right now, especially with the coronavirus and all that going on, is they wanna jump in and get started and they don't wanna have to wait for a sample product to take content shots or take their own product photos.
Do you think it's imperative to take your own product photos for Instagram and TikTok, or do you think you can get away with using the ones on AliExpress and kind of re-making them a little bit, editing them a little bit? What's your take on that?
Kamil: Beautiful question, love this one. Now, it all depends on the platform. Every platform is different. The kind of content you should post on every platform is different 'cause the behavior on the platform is totally different.
With Twitter, this is the bit, Twitter is the easiest one to get content for, it's so easy. And I made a challenge video on my channel showing the process of Twitter influencer marketing. So it's definitely something good for those guys to watch.
Now in terms of Twitter influencer marketing, you basically wanna get... You wanna get footage, video footage where it looks realistic, it looks like the influencer that you're working with actually posted it.
It doesn't need to look flashy, it doesn't need to look good, it just needs to look raw in the flesh.
So you can get that kind of content on TikTok. So you'll actually find all my content for Twitter influencers on TikTok and I make sure that I source the credit of the person that made the video by leaving the source credit.
That way, obviously, I'm not doing anything bad, I'm actually giving credit to the person that owns the content. And you should always also try and ask them if you can give permission for them to use it, obviously for your own benefit. That's Twitter out the way.
Now, in terms of Instagram, now, if you wanna try and get your product to your influencer as quickly as you can, you can actually order pretty much the same products on Amazon and get them sent out a lot quicker.
So instead of waiting 40 days, go on Amazon, they'll get it within a couple of days. So that's a great way of getting around that problem. Now you can get away sometimes using the content you can find on AliExpress, also YouTube. But again, you should make sure that you've got permission to use that content if you can.
In terms of TikTok, the best content you can make for TikTok is actually getting that product sent to yourself or sent to somebody that knows what they're doing because with TikTok, it's all about having a laugh, it's all about...
It's like comedy, kind of, videos, if that makes sense. So you need to try and get yourself to be enjoyable and laughable whilst making that content and that's those three platforms covered.
What You Can Do With a $1,000 To $5,000 Budget
Magda: Now, let's move on to our last category. So there are definitely people out there who have a few thousand dollars saved and are ready to invest in ecommerce. I think it's been a few years now since people first discovered dropshipping and we're feeling and we didn't believe that it was true or thought that this was a scheme of some sort.
But now I've seen how many successful people have built businesses online with dropshipping and want to do the same. So let's say, for example, they have at least $1,000 to $5,000 to invest, what marketing strategy would you suggest for them?
Kamil: Okay, this is a beautiful answer, this one is. Now, if you're working within $1,000 to $5,000, you should definitely look into Facebook ads and potentially Google ads.
But Facebook Ads is the one that I'd recommend the majority of people focus on.
It's easier to learn personally and it's a lot more scalable than Google and the kind of approach you can use on Facebook is a lot wider than Google because obviously, Google search engine marketing, there's only a certain amount of products that can work well for Google. But I'd be focusing on your Facebook ads. Your Google ads...
Now something that most people don't talk about, YouTube ads are one of the best strategies at the moment. Very cheap cost per clicks, very cheap cost per results and that's something that my business partners and I are working a lot on at the moment.
Magda: Wow, okay, so Facebook ads. So you would actually suggest that someone should just jump straight to the Facebook ads instead of starting with the influencer marketing that you suggested before?
Kamil: Yeah, because with influencer marketing, it's very time-intensive. Now, even if you're willing to pay these influencers, it still takes time 'cause you have to message them, you have to agree on contracts, I hope that you guys are sending these influencer contracts to make sure that when you pay them they stick to what you tell them to do obviously, they can't break its terms.
So that can all take a lot of time, obviously, getting them to post it, that can take a lot of time. So with Facebook, obviously, you're just gonna set up your campaigns, publish, and they're off. You're gonna get results coming in, whether it's clicks, views, visitors, sales, it's gonna come in a lot faster than the influencer route.
Magda: Got it. So I think overall, it's pretty clear that if you have less money to get started, it's still possible, but it's gonna take way longer and a little more time invested. And then if you have more money, it will just be faster for you to kind of get off the ground, and in terms of getting off the ground, getting customer information, warming up your pixel and start running bigger ads to more people. So that's really awesome to hear. Now...
Kamil: Something I do you wanna say, though, I don't want people to think, 'Oh, I've got all this money, I'm gonna be super successful, super quick. I'm gonna have more of a chance of winning than these guys on low budgets.”
Now you can have all the money in the world, but if you don't know what you're doing because you don't have the skills or the knowledge, you can have all the money in the world, you're gonna lose it.
So don't think because you've got lots of money, you're gonna get a lot of success because if you don't have the knowledge to go with it, then nothing's gonna happen.
So don't get cocky and think, 'Oh, I've got this money, I can get the results.' Make sure that you educate yourself first and then do it.
Learning Facebook Ads
Magda: Yeah, I completely understand. I think definitely the first time I ran Facebook ads, I thought, easy. I'm just gonna put up some money into this then... Yeah, it was a really good learning lesson, it's still, it doesn't matter how much you have, it will still take you a lot of time to actually learn it, and that's a really, really important point to make.
Now, when it comes to running Facebook ads, how long would you suggest learning them. We can just touch on this briefly because Facebook ads can be its own video, and I know you have a lot of videos on your channel dedicated to Facebook ads. So everyone, don't forget to check those out for more in-depth.
But if someone is just getting started, should they take a course on Facebook ads first? Should they watch... How many videos should they watch? What do they need to know before they're like, “Okay, now I can... The money I've saved, I feel confident to start spending it”?
Kamil: Yeah, 100 percent this is very good. Don't just go and dive into Facebook, just don't do that. You're gonna lose a lot of money. Now a few topics I wanna cover about Facebook ads is, you wanna kind of understand the platform, you wanna understand what they mean, you wanna understand what the metrics mean.
Things like CPM, CPCs, CTRs, that's probably gonna mean nothing to a lot of you guys, but it's important that you understand what these mean, the KPIs, and you must understand them. Now you can go on to YouTube for free and find out what all of this means. Now you can go to courses and get this done a lot quicker, or you can just go online and find some free content to help you.
Now, what I will say is, if you're gonna learn from somebody or somewhere, try and stick to one person.
Because with Facebook ads, everybody has their own way of doing it, everybody has their own strategies behind it. So if you’re learning from person A, person B, and Person C, and putting it together, it’s not gonna work. Learn from one person and follow their strategy and how they do things. Because if you learn from all the people, it's gonna be an absolute mess.
Magda: Yeah, I think that's a great point. When we started this channel, we were interviewing successful dropshippers and I think our idea was that as we interviewed more people, we would kind of get one puzzle piece for Facebook ads, another puzzle piece, and we would make one simple, an easy-to-follow guide for Facebook ads.
And it was so crazy to see how different everyone's strategies are and completely different. Even when it came down to certain buttons or certain settings, people were die-hard one way or die-hard the other way, and they're like, “The other way, it's never gonna work for you.”
And yet, both had results, amazing results, so I completely agree. For everyone listening out there, just... You have to trust... This is one difficult thing. You just have to trust in a strategy, especially if someone has proven the results to you and you've seen them, just stick to it.
Don't start flip-flopping because that's when you'll see a lot of money loss, which none of us want for you. So that's extremely helpful to hear.
Now, when it comes to Facebook ads, would you ever suggest, for someone that does have lots of money to spend, outsourcing Facebook ads to, let's say, for example, someone else or should always learn it yourself because you'll find better results?
Because we have seen people in the past ask us, “Is it better if I hire someone on Fiverr to do this?” for example. So what's your take on that?
Kamil: Yeah, I love this question, it makes me chuckle a little bit 'cause a lot of people even ask me this on my Instagram and I'm like, 'Oh no.' Let me explain this to you.
If it was as easy just to hire someone on Fiverr and do it, then a lot of people would be rich.
Now, Facebook ads, in terms of the dropshipping business model, in terms of all the things that come into it, things like product research, website development, in my opinion, 70 percent of the success comes from the marketing.
Now if you can't learn how to do Facebook advertising yourself, then honestly don't do it. Now, me personally, with multiple stores, I have VAs that do my customer service for me, do my order fulfillment for me, etc.
But the one thing that I'll never let anybody else touch for me is my Facebook ads because I am very, very passionate about... I'm an expert, I've been doing this for five years, I know what to look for and I don't know many people that can replace my kind of knowledge.
Now, if you do wanna go out there and hire somebody, this is God's honest truth, you need to be spending... You need to be paying an agency at least $10,000 a month. Those kinds of agencies that charge that money know what they're doing. Anybody else, honestly, they don't know what they're doing.
Magda: Wow. Okay, for everyone out there, I think that was so helpful to hear from someone who's an expert. If you don't have $10,000 to invest per month for Facebook ads, don't bother wasting your money and just take the time to learn it instead.
Wow, that's a really great lesson. I really appreciate that because I think that sets a nice hard-line for people where they're like, well, much money, 'cause I know some people still out there, will be like, 'Well, I can spend a little extra money,' but it's just not worth it. And I think ultimately, for a lot of beginners too, it's important that they understand that in this business, you do everything at first.
You are the marketer, you have to run the Facebook ads, you have to do customer service, and that comes with the job. That comes with running this type of business at first, and you either need to accept it and just start learning or maybe consider another option because that is the fact of the matter.
So that is so helpful to hear. Thank you. Hopefully, everyone watching has found this super helpful. Let us know what budget you started with. And if you could go back in time, what would you do differently? And most importantly, if you want to see more videos like this on our channel, just let us know down in the comments below and... Yeah, any final comments?
Kamil: I just wanna a massive thank you to Oberlo for having me on their channel today, I hope you guys have learned a lot, and Oberlo is a great company doing a lot of great things for the community, and what you guys are one of the day-ones in the industry, so I really do appreciate you and hope everybody's found some value in this.
I'll also be commenting in the comment section to try to help as many people as I can if they have any questions. Also, if you wanna see a part two, let us know in the comment section below.
Magda: Amazing. Okay, and that's it for this video. So happy dropshipping everyone.