How to make money from youtube

How To Make Money on YouTube: 11 Top Tips

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For many, making money on YouTube is the dream. After all, YouTubers appear to have a great life and the adoration of their fans to bask in. And since creating a YouTube channel is easier than ever, there’s no harm in thinking big and aiming high.

This article will guide you through 11 strategies to make money on YouTube. You’ll discover how much successful YouTubers can earn and how you can grow your own business on one of the world’s largest Internet platforms.

How to make money on YouTube

1. Join the YouTube Partner Program

2. Get featured on YouTube Premium

3. Offer channel memberships

4. Endorse affiliate products in your videos

5. Create YouTube Shorts

6. Monetize livestreams via Super Chat and Super Stickers

7. Become a YouTube influencer

8. Sell merch

9. Crowdfund your YouTube project

10. Cross-promote your offers

11. License your content to media outlets

1. Join the YouTube Partner Program

YouTube content creators can’t monetize any of their videos until they’ve been accepted into the YouTube Partner Program.

When your YouTube channel has 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 public views, it will be reviewed for eligibility to join the Partner Program. This means you won’t be able to generate any revenue until you’ve hit these numbers, so it’s important to continue creating content and increasing your channel’s reach. You can apply for monetization once you meet the program’s criteria. 

How to enable monetization on YouTube:

  1. Log in to the YouTube account you intend to monetize. 
  2. Click your account’s icon in the top right corner, then click YouTube Studio
  3. From the left-hand menu, choose Other Features > Monetization.
  4. Go through the Partner Program terms and click Agree.
  5. Connect an existing AdSense account or create a new one for your channel. 
  6. Define your monetization preferences.

After taking these steps, go back to the dashboard and open the Analytics tab on the left. On the next screen, select Revenue from the top and scroll down to Monthly Estimated Revenue chart, which will give you an idea of much money you can make in a month. 

2. Get featured on YouTube Premium

YouTube Premium is a paid subscription service that lets viewers enjoy ad-free videos. Creators automatically gain an additional revenue stream when YouTube Premium subscribers watch their videos.

Much like the monetization rules for ad-based revenue, most of the YouTube Premium revenue goes to creators (which is shared out depending on how many subscribers view their videos).

Consider the advertising revenue from YouTube Premium subscriptions as a secondary income source, complementing what you already earn through channel advertisements.  

How to earn money from youtube views

3. Offer channel memberships

When your YouTube channel gets more than 30,000 subscribers, you can add another income stream by leveraging channel memberships. This is where fans pay $4.99 a month for a membership package that includes perks like early access to videos, members-only live chat, exclusive emojis, and more. Members will be highlighted in comments, live chat, and the Community tab through special members-only badges.

Because audiences are well aware that it can be a real challenge to get a YouTube creator’s attention, it makes sense to offer channel memberships. 

Pro tip: Use your videos to remind people that they can become exclusive members by clicking the Join button on your page. 

4. Endorse affiliate products in your videos 

Businesses are well aware of the potential that YouTube channels with a large following have, and they’re always looking to exploit this to grow their own business. 

Once you’ve garnered a substantial following on the platform, you’ll likely experience businesses reaching out to you and requesting you to promote their products in exchange for cash. Consider becoming an affiliate of these brands and including product placements in your videos. You can also sign up for popular affiliate programs to expand your affiliate network. 

Pro tip: Only promote products that you think will be valuable for your audience, and disclose the partnership to your viewers—that will help you comply with YouTube’s policies.

5. Create YouTube Shorts

YouTube Shorts offer a great way to engage viewers and boost your revenue. These little videos can grab attention quickly and keep viewers coming back. You can use them to promote products, attract sponsors, or even earn from ad revenue.

YouTube Shorts are also great for securing brand partnerships. Create a few shorts promoting a business or showcasing a product to grab the attention of potential sponsors.

For more tips on using short-form content to earn money, check out our complete post on YouTube Shorts monetization.

6. Monetize livestreams via Super Chat and Super Stickers

Super Chat andSuper Stickers are two popular new ways to make money from YouTube.

Super Chat is a feature that allows creators to receive donations from viewers during livestreams. Super Stickers are animated images that viewers can purchase to add an interactive element to their conversations.

You can activate these features in YouTube Studio by going to Earn > Supers and following the on-screen prompts.

7. Become a YouTube influencer

With influencer marketing on the rise, there’s a big opportunity for you, as a creator, to get in on the action.

But where do you start? According to YouTube marketing expert and influencer Brendan Gahan, creators should establish a flat fee by taking the number of views their videos typically receive and multiplying it by 15¢ per view. 

Digital marketing agency WebFX listed the following figures for how much YouTube influencers can expect to earn: 

  • $20,000 per video for a creator with a million subscribers
  • $2,000 per video for a creator with 100,000 subscribers
  • $200 per video for a creator with 10,000 subscribers 

The key to earning more is to partner with brands whose products are valuable to your audiences.

Here are some platforms for being discovered by potential partners:

  • Upfluence: A vast influencer platform with more than three million influencers in its database. Brands can use keywords to find and connect with creators for partnerships. 
  • Crowdtap: Helps tackle short content tasks to earn money and rewards, without worrying about how many followers you have.
  • Shopify Collabs: Simplifies finding brands that match your content and values. Build affiliate relationships, get paid for what you sell, and track everything in one spot.

Some influencer marketing platforms will connect you with big brands willing to make large payouts, while others will get you free products. Agree to opportunities that best suit your needs.

8. Sell merch

You can earn money through your YouTube channel by selling various products. Merchandise like coffee mugs, t-shirts, and wall art can boost your brand’s reach and strengthen your bond with fans.

For instance, creator Roman Atwood sells a range of items under his Smile More brand.

Getting started with branded merchandise is simpler than you might think. Use freelance sites like Fiverr to find graphic designers who can create custom designs tailored to your products. 

For order management, integrate your store with services like DSers or print-on-demand providers. These services handle shipping and customer support, making it easy for you.

Pro tip: Leverage Shopify’s Google & YouTube app to promote and sell your products on YouTube. Sync your catalog, tag products in livestreams, and manage sales from Shopify.

Another option is partnering with networks like DFTBA (Don’t Forget to Be Awesome). However, you’ll compete with other YouTubers and have less control over your store.

9. Crowdfund your YouTube project

Is money the only thing preventing you from bringing your idea to life? Crowdfunding can help make it happen.

Whether you need funds for better equipment, hiring talent, or covering production costs, your audience and the crowdfunding community can pitch in if your idea is compelling.

To gain support, share behind-the-scenes content or concept art that highlights your vision. Show your passion and creativity to draw in potential backers. Engaging updates throughout the campaign can keep excitement high and encourage more contributions.

Here are some top crowdfunding platforms YouTubers use:

  • Kickstarter. A popular crowdfunding site, Kickstarter allows you to pitch items and creative projects to potential backers. Get started by setting an attainable goal that you’ll only secure if you meet it.
  • Indiegogo. A Kickstarter alternative with more flexible funding options. Choose this if you want to keep funds even if you don’t reach your goal.

10. Cross-promote your offers

Don’t limit your content to just YouTube. Make sure to spread the word across all of your social media channels, like Instagram and Facebook.

Announcing new videos or promotions on various platforms can significantly increase your visibility. Expanding your presence beyond YouTube through social media marketing is key to reaching more viewers.

11. License your content to media outlets

Are you sitting on a viral video? A video that captures an unforgettable moment or a laugh-out-loud incident? Consider licensing it to TV shows or media outlets to turn that buzz into cash.

You can list your video on platforms like Jukin Licensing, which are designed to connect viral content creators with potential buyers. This makes it easier for your unique moments to be discovered by those looking to broadcast engaging content to their audiences.

Jukin Licensing

Tips for selling on YouTube

Many strategies for monetizing involve promoting products or campaigns. But be careful not to let this affect the quality of your content. There are many ways to promote products without losing your audience’s trust.

Understand your audience on YouTube

Building an audience is key for monetizing your content in different ways. But making the most of it requires understanding who’s watching your videos.

Pay attention to:

  • Gender: Is your audience mostly men or women? Tailor your YouTube video to match your target gender’s interests and preferences.
  • Age: Are you attracting Gen Z or an older demographic? Create videos that specifically resonate with the age group you want to attract.
  • Location: Where are your viewers from? Knowing if they are mostly from big cities or certain countries can help you better localize your content.
  • Engagement: How long do they watch your videos? Understanding their engagement level can help you refine your content to keep them watching longer.

You can pull these demographic insights from YouTube Analytics. And with tools like Social Blade, you can see how your channel stacks up against others. Use this information to better understand your audience, tailor your content, and attract brands interested in targeting your specific demographic.

Include a call to action in your video

Many YouTubers include calls to action at the end of their videos to engage their viewers. You can tweak this approach to convert a viewer into a customer. Suggesting a specific action makes your audience more likely to follow through.

Add info cards to your videos

Info cards (formerly YouTube Cards) pop up in the upper right corner of YouTube videos. These cards provide key info to viewers just when they need it. Use free editing software to place them at the right moments, such as during a product mention or a call to action, to maximize engagement.

YouTube cards for engagemement

Add links in your video description

Want to drive traffic to your store or other platforms? Add links to your video description. For example, Gymshark includes links to its store and social media accounts in its YouTube videos. Whether you’re promoting your products or a campaign, links in descriptions can direct viewers to any revenue-focused area.

Tips for getting more engagement on YouTube

For boosting engagement on YouTube, consider these essential strategies when producing your videos:

1. Try to make your videos more than 10 minutes long

When you create videos for YouTube that are longer than 10 minutes, you’ll have a higher chance of generating more money through ad revenue. Long-form videos often have a higher watch time, which positively contributes toward the amount of ad revenue that said videos would generate. Also, videos that have a higher average watch time will appear higher up in YouTube’s search results, which means there’s a higher chance of users viewing your content.

2. Collaborate with other YouTubers

Another way to get more YouTube traffic is to collaborate with other YouTubers. This is a great method that will allow you to grow your YouTube presence, add unique content to your channel, and open up your content to a whole audience. Do some research on YouTubers who are active in your niche and reach out to them with a great video idea—they’ll more than likely be interested in collaborating.

3. Create engaging and informative content

This is vital for the success of your YouTube channel. YouTube users are always searching for videos that will entertain them or will give them value. If you can provide your audience with video content as such, they’ll be likely to watch the whole video and come back for more video content in the future.

Pro tip: Dive into YouTube analytics to see which demographic is paying more attention to your videos. This will give you a better idea of what type of content to create. For example, if you find that your videos are more popular with Gen Z, you can try using a few of their favorite slang words in your videos.

4. Make the most of your descriptions

Descriptions are another valuable answer to how to make money from YouTube videos. They help people discover your content and decide whether to watch or skip it. When writing descriptions for your videos, follow the age-old journalistic writing approach: Mention the most obvious things first, then work toward the less crucial. Also, try explaining what viewers will gain by watching the entire video, and try mentioning at least a few of their pain points. (Pain points get people to click!)

5. Build your following with consistent posting

When you’re running a YouTube channel, it’s a great idea to post content consistently. When you maintain a steady stream of content for your viewers, they’ll remain engaged with your channel. This means they’ll be much more aware of your online presence, and the properties attached to it, like your ecommerce business.

Becoming a YouTubepreneur

Most creators don’t start with dreams of making big money. They want to share something they love with the world. Look at MrBeast. He began at the age of 13, making all sorts of videos, from gaming to guessing how rich other YouTubers are.

This passion for creating content puts YouTubers in a sweet spot for making money in a world that can’t get enough of it. Unlike many businesses struggling to catch people’s attention, YouTubers already have a crowd waiting.

Your next move? Use that creativity and drive to figure out cool ways to make money from your audience and what you love doing.

How to make money on YouTube FAQ

How do you get paid as a YouTuber?

To get paid on YouTube, you’ll need to set up a few things to receive payments from the company.

First, sign up for a Google AdSense account using your Gmail ID, then select your choice of payment from wire transfer, Western Union Quick Cash, EFT (electronic funds transfer), SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area), or checks.   

Once AdSense is set up, you can request payment after you meet the minimum payment threshold. 

Do you get paid for uploading videos on YouTube?

YouTube doesn’t automatically pay creators for posting videos, nor are videos monetized right away. To begin making money on YouTube, you must activate monetization in your account settings. This process involves options like joining the YouTube Partner Program or getting your videos included on YouTube Premium.

When do you start making money on YouTube?

You can monetize your YouTube account as soon as you’re accepted into the Partner Program. Before that, you can try landing sponsorships from brands that pay creators to make good content. 

If you run an ecommerce store, you can start making money on YouTube the same day you create an account by promoting your items through the platform. Just make sure to spread the word beforehand that you’ll be showcasing your products and leaving links through your channel.

How many views do you need to make money on YouTube?

The average YouTube channel in the US earns between $10 to $30 for every 1,000 views, according to data from Hootsuite. However, this figure varies widely based on factors like viewer engagement and content type.

For instance, channels with highly engaged audiences or those in lucrative niches can see significantly higher earnings, with some YouTubers making between $1,610 and $29,300 per million views.

How can you compete with other YouTubers?

When you’re researching how to make money with YouTube, remember that you won’t be competing solely with other entrepreneurs for traffic and revenue. There will also be full-time YouTubers who are fighting for the attention of your audience.

It’s important to keep this in mind when you’re creating content for your channel. You can stand out from the crowd by creating enticing video thumbnails and titles. Remember, YouTube is a heavily visual-oriented platform, so nailing these will help you to draw in more users to view your videos.

You can also beat the competition by taking advantage of YouTube SEO. Creating SEO content for your video descriptions is a great way to generate organic traffic for your YouTube channel. Learn more in Shopify’s guide to YouTube SEO.

How can I make money on YouTube without posting videos?

Making money on YouTube without posting videos isn’t the best approach. Just like brands don’t grow on Instagram by only posting on Facebook, YouTube requires its own type of content to really thrive.

But you can still leverage existing content. Republish Instagram Reels as YouTube Shorts. Turn your presentations or slideshows into videos. Upload Twitch or Facebook livestreams as long-form YouTube content. This way, you’re still active on YouTube without creating entirely new content.


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