Chart of Fastest-Growing Social Media Platforms worldwide

Fastest-Growing Social Media Platforms

There’s no question that social media is one of the best ways to market and grow a business. In addition to knowing how much time consumers spend on these platforms, understanding which ones are gaining popularity can help guide your brand’s social media marketing strategy.

This begs the question: What is the fastest-growing social media platform?

Fastest-growing social media platforms: Key data

  • Instagram and Pinterest are the two fastest-growing social media platforms worldwide in 2024, expanding their user bases by 25.3% and 23.2%, respectively. 
  • The fastest-growing social media platforms in the United States are BeReal, Twitch, and LinkedIn.

What is the fastest-growing social media platform worldwide?

Social media platform

Year-on-year increase in audience reach

1. Instagram


2. Pinterest


3. LinkedIn


4. X/Twitter


5. Snapchat


6. Facebook


7. YouTube


Instagram is the fastest-growing social media platform in 2024. According to the latest analysis, the popular network recorded a 25.3% increase in reach from 2023. Instagram’s global annual ad revenues are also anticipated to rise by 16% in 2024, to $70.9 billion.

Pinterest and LinkedIn follow as the third- and fourth-fastest-growing social media platforms worldwide, with increases of 23.2% and 13.9%, respectively. Twitter, now known as X, ranks fourth with its audience growth rising by 11.3%, despite falling ad revenues.

Rounding out the five fastest-growing social media platforms is Snapchat, whose reach increased by 6.8%. Given the network’s growing potential, marketing on it can prove lucrative. Conducting research on Snapchat users’ age demographics and what the platform is used for can help craft a more effective strategy.

In sixth place is Facebook, currently the most popular social media platform worldwide, with a growth rate of 3.1%. YouTube, marketers’ favorite video marketing channel, completes the list, after growing its audience by 0.9%.

What is the fastest-growing social media platform in the US?

Chart showing: Fastest-Growing Social Media Platforms in the US

Social media platform

Increase in the percentage of US adults using the following platform from May 2022 to Jan 2023

1. BeReal


2. Twitch


3. LinkedIn


4. TikTok


5. Snapchat


6. Tumblr


7. Twitter


8. Instagram


The latest data shows that the fastest-growing social network in the US is BeReal. The network increased its number of users by a skyrocketing 313% from May 2022 to January 2023. In other words, the number of BeReal users more than quadrupled over this period. Experts attribute a significant portion of this increase to Generation Z, whose usage of BeReal surged from 1% of the age group’s population to 13%.
Launched in 2022, the French social media app experienced significant growth in 2022. The number of BeReal downloads surged from 800,000 at the start of the year to 14.7 million by September. BeReal’s expected growth in 2023 is set to outpace that of its competitors by a mile.
Second on the list of the fastest-growing social media platforms is Twitch. The video live-streaming service saw its number of users rise by 29%. Despite other more popular networks like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok having launched their own live video features, Twitch still appears to be the default go-to social media platform when it comes to long-form live videos. Like BeReal, Generation Z social media users are responsible for a large part of Twitch’s growth. In fact, both BeReal and Twitch rank among the top social media networks Gen Z uses.
The third fastest-growing social network is LinkedIn. From May 2022 to January 2023, the professional networking platform registered a 20% increase in its number of users. This is followed by TikTok, with a growth rate of 16%. The ByteDance-owned company first made headlines for its rapid growth when it launched in 2018. Even though its user base continues to grow to this day, the sign-up rate of new users has slowed. 
Snapchat rounds out the five fastest-growing social media platforms in the US. Its user growth rate recorded at 8% in 2023. Sixth and seventh on the list of the fastest-growing social networks are Tumblr and Twitter, with a 7% increase in the number of users. Instagram is eighth, with 6%.

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